Solomon G. Brotman, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.

Solomon G. Brotman, DDS, MAGD is a Senior Consultant to several professional organizations, corporate ventures and government agencies in addition to maintaining a part-time clinical practice in general dentistry and facial pain in Jacksonville, Florida. Sol retired as Chief Clinical Officer of Life and Specialty Ventures/ USAble Life, the Blue Cross dental affiliate in seven states where he worked closely with physicians and health systems to oversee medical-dental integration in addition to other dental, head and neck related issues.
Prior to 2018, Dr. Brotman was a full-time general dentist. Sol is a Clinical Instructor, Department of Neural and Pain Sciences at the University of Maryland. He was Clinical Assistant Professor in Operative Dentistry and Facial Pain at the University of Florida, lecturer at LSU and Nova Southeastern on professional ethics and facial pain. Sol was Practitioner-Investigator, co-author for the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network and treated facial pain patients in Operation Hero.
Sol served as Chair of the Florida Board of Dentistry. He is currently Trustee and Audit Chair of The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, the largest public foundation in the state and Treasurer of the Jacksonville Aviation Authority.
Dr. Brotman received his dental degree from the University of Maryland and Certificate in Comprehensive General Dentistry from the University of Florida. He is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists, International College of Dentists, Academy of Dentistry International and Pierre Fauchard Academy.