9th Annual Linda C. Niessen Geriatric Dentistry Symposium

April 26, 2022
For nine consecutive years, the Linda C. Niessen Geriatric Dentistry Symposium has been addressing key topics to help to improve dental treatment outcomes in older adults. The focus of this year’s Niessen Symposium is “Treating Caries Chemically: Minimally Invasive–Maximally Effective”—featuring a two-part course on this important topic as relates to older patients.
The symposium will be held on May 27, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM CDT, at the Texas A&M University Main Building, in Dallas, Texas. The event may be attended in person or via Zoom.
“Caries Risk Management and Person-Centered Care”—Part One of this course—notes that there has been a paradigm shift in caries treatment, and addresses current trends in caries risk management at the patient level using an evidence-based, person-centered methodology.
Part Two, “Minimally Invasive Dentistry at the Tooth Level,” discusses dental caries as a site-specific disease and reviews the current ADA classification system to address the different sites and their relationship to caries microbiology and chemistry.
Read more and register here.