NCD Report Shows a Return on Investment for Offering Medicaid Dental Care to Adults With I/DD

On March 9, the National Council on Disability released the results of a preliminary Medicaid study focused on the costs and return on costs associated with offering basic dental benefits to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
This study, part of the NCD’s ongoing research into how to improve oral health outcomes for people with I/DD, demonstrates the cost effectiveness of adding basic dental benefits in the states that currently do not offer them.
“Given that dental health is a predicate for general health, and general health is a predicate for employment, education, and community life, we want to offer policymakers insights into how they can help improve oral health outcomes for people with I/DD,” noted Vice Chair Jim Brett, “With over a quarter of a million adults with I/DD who receive Medicaid living in states with either emergency-only or no dental coverage, and two-thirds of adults with I/DD on Medicaid living in states that have extensive benefits still not receiving basic dental care, this initial study begins an important examination of access barriers.”
For full details on this report, please see the full press release here.