Your Teeth Are Worth Saving – May Is Save Your Tooth Month!

Our teeth: a gateway to nutrition, a way to signal our emotions, and a reflection of overall good health. Our teeth are truly worth respecting, preserving, and saving.
Before the 2021 holidays, the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) released their public survey results. Here are some noteworthy stats:
• 81% of American adults wish they had taken better care of their natural teeth
• 76% intend to prioritize their oral health in 2022
• 55% of people wish their parent(s) had instilled better oral hygiene habits when they were younger
• 43% admit that tooth pain or oral health issues negatively affects their productivity or ability to focus
“Worth Saving” is AAE’s multi-year public awareness campaign that educates the public about the value of saving their natural teeth and encouraging them to seek endodontists for treatment.
Download the PDF from the American Association of Endodontists.