Three Domain Framework Addresses Oral Health Delivery

Three Domain Framework Addresses Oral Health Delivery
Industry leaders look to expand access and integration
The DentaQuest Partnership for Oral Health Advancement, along with 120 organizations, leaders, and stakeholders in health care, has proposed a three-domain framework for innovating oral health care. Building on efforts by the Community Oral Health Transformation Initiative learning community, this framework “lays out a clear path for providers and practices to expand access to care, improve health outcomes, and reduce the cost burdens associated with poor quality of life due to oral disease.”
As described in the position paper, this framework demonstrates how providers can shift their health care delivery models and facilitate collaboration on treatment plans (between patients and their medical/dental caregivers) with the intention of improving overall health and access to care.
The Three Domains are defined as:
1. Advancements in Teledentistry: the identification, development, and adoption of telehealth strategies to create an accessible evidence-based virtual delivery approach specific to oral health.
2. Prioritization of Minimally Invasive Care: reverse or slow early disease stages using a program of anticipatory guidance and collaborative decision-making with patients.
3. Integration and Personalization of Oral Care Delivery: applying evidence-based practices to enhance a person’s oral and systemic health in an integrated, personalized approach.
In the coming months, the DentaQuest Partnership and other contributors plan to enlist a wide group of oral health care providers, payors, and stakeholders to begin implementing essential features of the domains. For more information, visit the resource page here.
Source: The DentaQuest Partnership for Oral Health Advancement at
About the Santa Fe Group
The Santa Fe Group is a 501(c) (3), action-oriented think tank with a passion to improve lives through oral health. Since its inception 25 years ago, the Santa Fe Group has been instrumental as a neutral convener, communicator, connector and catalyst to move the needle on critical issues such as oral cancer, dental education reform, children’s oral health, improved primary care access, the importance of linking medical and dental health systems, and most recently, expanding oral healthcare for our nation’s seniors. To learn more, please visit: & @SantaFeGroupOrg.
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